Tiny packer

Tiny packer

Overview: Tiny Packer is a command-line utility designed to combine multiple images into a single texture atlas. It provides options for manual and automatic sizing of the atlas, including adjustable padding between images.


  • CLI
  • GUI
  • Padding support
  • Auto size

How to use?



  • Ctrl+I - Import images

  • Ctrl+Shift+I - Add images

  • Ctrl+Shift+C - Clear images

  • Ctrl+S - Save generated atlas



tiny_packer --input <input_files> --output <output_file> [OPTIONS]

Required Arguments:

  • --input, -i: Specify the input image files. Multiple files can be specified by repeating the argument for each file.
  • --output, -o: Specify the path where the output atlas image will be saved.


  • --width: Specify the width of the atlas. Defaults to 512 pixels. This option is ignored if auto sizing is enabled.
  • --height: Specify the height of the atlas. Defaults to 512 pixels. This option is ignored if auto sizing is enabled.
  • --padding, -p: Set the padding between images in the atlas. Defaults to 0 pixels.
  • --auto_size, -a: Enable or disable automatic sizing of the atlas dimensions. Defaults to true. When enabled, the atlas dimensions are calculated based on the input images.


  1. Creating an Atlas with Specified Dimensions: Generate an atlas with a specific width and height, ignoring automatic sizing.

    tiny_packer -i image1.png -i image2.png -o atlas.png --width 1024 --height 1024 -a false
  2. Creating an Atlas with Automatic Sizing: Generate an atlas where dimensions are automatically calculated.

    tiny_packer -i image1.png -i image2.png -i image3.png -o atlas.png
  3. Creating an Atlas with Padding: Generate an atlas with a specified padding between images.

    tiny_packer -i image1.png -i image2.png -o atlas.png -p 10

Additional Tips:

  • Multiple input files should be specified by repeating the -i or --input option for each file.
  • Ensure that file paths are correctly specified and accessible from the command line.
  • For best results, images should be of compatible formats and dimensions when padding and auto sizing are considered.

Help: To view more information and help regarding the command options, you can use the --help flag:

tiny_packer --help







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